weissmann teacher training modules
There are 3 intensive modules, each lasting 6 or 7 days. Daily Schedule 10:00–13:00 + 14:00–17:00 ( in each module, training extends until 19:00 on 2 days ) A day will begin with a class and will continue with either theory, teaching skills or an exploration of the weissmann principles. There are a total of 120 training hours in 3 modules.
Module 1: Mon. June 10. – Sun. June 16. 2024 (Saturday and Sunday only till 13:00)

In this module, you will have the opportunity to embody the weissmann technique, immersing yourself in the experience of its principles, and the functions of the individual exercises. Dive deep, understand and feel.
Optional Module 1: Mon. August 26. – Sat. August 31. 2024 at TANZHAUS AHRBERGVIERTEL
Arriving and Grounding
- how to arrive in the present moment
- yoga and core exercises
- establishing middle axis, spine mobilization
- first weight shifts, awakening a stable yet soft base in feet
- introduction to weissmann principles
- reflections on modern dance history
- what is a teacher?
- personal vision
Strength and Expansion
- plies: technical precision, anatomic awareness
- discovering connection between pelvis and floor, increasing weight shifts
- expanding from the center into extremities, arm and leg articulation
- awakening hip rotators + strengthening legs
- deep curves and stretch
- adagio sequences
- becoming space
- reflection on relationship between our dance ancestors and contemporary dance
Dancing with Gravity
- quick weight shifts
- relationship of the body with gravity
- three dimensional traveling and changing directions
- gliding + covering space
- swing, rebound, suspension
- percussive, rhythmic movement
- floor work
- airtime
- building stamina
Module 2: Wed. October 2. – Mon. October 7. 2024

“Leading and Inspiring”
As you continue to refine your relationship with the weissmann technique, module 2 imparts the tools needed to share it with others. Practice leading and develop your personal teaching style. Research and experiment in a laboratory atmosphere.
Refining and Experiencing
- review of module 1
- deepening of yoga and mindfulness
- refining the weissmann principles
- anatomy with Nina Wehnert
Finding Your Voice
- giving instructions
- using your voice, cueing
- the use of imagery
- integrating class elements in phrasing
- how to begin a combination, finding inspiration
- practice teaching parts of a weissmann class
Becoming Music
- deepening focus on musicality, creating musical phrasing
- how to create sequences that cycle across the floor
- how to work with a live musician, with Emre Kesim
- choosing music for your class: creating a journey with your playlist
- the body is a musical instrument
Module 3: Mon. January 13. – sat. january 18. 2025

Further your ability to sense, speak and sequence with the weissmann principles while exploring new creative impulses. Module 3 integrates effective teaching skills, individual artistry and mentorship. How will you incorporate the weissmann technique in your classes? Clarify your vision.
Pathways to Creativity
- including improvisation in your class, introduction to Group Motion structures
- composition: developmental movement patterns, spatial planes and laban scales
- learning and experimenting with weissmann repertoire
Deepening Teaching Skills
- principles of learning
- how to give feedback
- hands on support
- creating a class map: sequencing, theming, intention setting
- designing classes for different target groups / levels
- teaching ethics, student / teacher relationship
- encouraging discipline and teaching class etiquette
- seeing and sensing the room
- practice teaching parts of a weissmann class
- written reflection about your journey
- clarifying your vision as a teacher
- feedback from fellow students and mentors