FAQS+ Application

Registration for 2026 opens in September 2025 !

Am I eligible to apply for the weissmann teacher training?

You are eligible if :

• you are a professional dancer with at least 3 years of experience
• you hold a diploma or higher degree in dance / dance education
• you have the equivalent of a higher degree based on your practical experience

• you have had previous experience with the weissmann technique

How do I apply?

To apply to the weissmann teacher training, you will need to submit:

• a completed registration form
• your C.V.
• any certificates you hold from a previous dance education
• a photo
• a letter of intent:

This letter expresses why you are interested in taking part in this teacher training and specifically why you think this program will benefit your growth as a dancer and dance educator.

• once your application has been processed, you will be invited to a Zoom interview with us.


Confirmation of Participation

Your participation will be based upon a complete application and an assessment of your materials. A confirmation of participation will be confirmed when we have accepted your application, as well as, a signed contract and a punctual transfer of your first teacher training fee to guarantee your spot.


May I join individual modules without taking part in the full program?

Yes, but you will not receive an achievement certificate. Please keep in mind that the information being covered in a single module may be the continuation or a review of material covered in previous modules. You might experience missing some key information. Also, the content of the individual modules are fluid and might not adhere exactly to the module description listed on this website. If you are interested in joining a single module, you are advised to use the seminar as an inspirational tool to enhance your dancing or the teaching that you already do. *Please contact us 3 weeks in advance so that we can give you a description of the upcoming module.


What happens if I am not able to participate in a module?

If you participate, we highly suggest that you make this program a high priority when you are scheduling your activities. If you miss a module due to illness, you will be able to repeat the missed module, if the teacher training takes place the following year. Because of the finely nuanced nature of this teacher training program, we have chosen not to offer modules in the form of online participation.


What if I don ́t have much experience with weissmann technique? Am I still eligible to apply?

We recommend that you join us for our weissmann technique deep dive workshop “Defined Flow” in Marameo, Berlin on either May 3rd and 4th 2025 –or– November 22nd and 23rd 2025.

You could also take our individual weismann dance classes, which you find in the schedules of our websites:

If I successfully complete the program do I receive a certificate?

Yes! After you have fulfilled all the requirements of the program and successfully completed all 3 modules, you will receive an achievement certificate stating your completion of the weissmann teacher training program. 
At the culmination of the program, we will give individual feedback and our recommendations for your teaching journey will be discussed. There is an option to continue mentorship with either Heidi or Jennifer upon the completion of this program. Additional costs will be discussed with you if you are interested in this.

When may I begin to teach a weissmann technique class?

If you want to be accredited as a “certified weissmann technique teacher”, you have the opportunity to do this through an extra 2 day accreditation seminar. On this weekend, you will be required to teach a 60 minute weissmann technique class, in which we will assess your absorption of the weissmann principles and the level of your teaching skills. Completion of the weissmann teacher training 3 moduled program is a pre-requisite to joining this seminar. Please keep in mind that participating in this weekend does not automatically guarantee this status. Date TBA.


Do you provide housing in Berlin?

No, we do not but we are happy to assist you in securing accommodations. EDEN is one possibility and we will create a list of other affordable options. This expense is not covered and not included in the program fee.